Friday, May 14, 2010

Just a quick update...

Shannon has blown up the hair straightener. Literally. Sparks everywhere..big boom. Problem is..our European power converters are now not working. It appears as if she blew the fuse for the whole house. If our converters are blown..we could be in for some communication difficulties as our phones and notebooks are how we are communicate with our families.
Once the power runs out...we are hoping to have a means to recharge!
Will update....


Mo & Shannon said...

...all is well. Just blown fuse for the whole blooming house.

Anonymous said...

bwahaa! snort! Oh and may I say how happy I am to finally see some local colloquialisms being used in your posts. Still waiting for a "Not ruddy likely"...or something of the such, though. Love you guys! - Lucy

Anonymous said...

HAHA! The owners cannot be happy.. "stupid Americans!"!- Hannah